
Cyber Trust Europe Gold Label

Cyber Trust Austria Gold Label

Process for ordering a Cyber Trust Europe Gold Label

Online request
The request for the label is done online on this website.
Automated Web Scoring (of the submitted qualified domain)
An automated security scoring of the domain that you have declared is conducted. This is only passive and not harmful in any way.
Answering the online questionnaire
You receive a link to answer the 25 questions of the KSV1870 A-rating. You enter your answers there.
Validation of answers incl. possibility for clarifications
An expert validates the answers with regards to completeness, consistency, and plausibility. In case of unclarities there is the possibility to ask back. Based on the validation a report and a preliminary risk rating is produced.
​Conduction of the audit
From the list of accredited audit partners you select a partner and order the audit; we will support you if necessary. The charging is done directly between you and the audit partner. The audit is performed by the partner based on the report and the preliminary cyber risk rating. It is an evidence-based audit and can also be done online. Dates and times are agreed directly between you and the auditor.
Possibility to clarify or correct open issues
In this phase eventual unclarities can be clarified and missing evidence can be submitted in order to reach the required qualification.
Calculation of final Cyber Risk Rating
Based on the audit results the final rating is calculated. Only you receive a copy of the audit report due to security reasons. KSV1870 and Cyber Trust Services only receive the confirmation of the rating resp. information if there were deviations from the preliminary risk rating.
Issuing of the label & recording in the Cyber Trust Label Database
If the qualification criteria for the label are met (valid A-rating of 190 or better), you will receive a label confirmation and the usage rights for one year. Your company will also be recorded in the Cyber Trust Label Database